We can help and support you in your international expansion, especially on the other side of the Rhine.

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About AnnuFrAll | DeuFraVer

The facts are simple, alarming and very real:
France and Germany are Europe's biggest economic partners. Despite this, many French and German companies wishing to expand internationally are choosing the USA, China or other countries outside Europe.

The reason?
Misinformation, lack of contacts and support.
For these reasons, we decided it was time to create AnnuFrAll | DeuFraVer, our contribution to the economic development of our two countries, but also to European sovereignty.

French and German flags

No cookies, your data is safe

We are proud to announce that AnnuFrAll | DeuFraVer does not use cookies to collect data about its visitors.

We consider the protection of our users' privacy to be of paramount importance.

You can browse our site in complete confidence, knowing that your personal information will remain confidential.

We pride ourselves on being a website that respects your privacy.

French accommodation and German SLL certificates

AnnuFrAll | DeuFraVer is hosted by a French service provider in accordance with European data protection regulations.

We have subscribed to SSL certificates from a second German provider, guaranteeing enhanced security for our users.

By choosing European service providers, we are helping to strengthen European digital sovereignty and promote a resilient digital economy.

Priority to European technical and technological solutions

Our website uses and implements European or English technologies, because we believe in the importance of supporting European digital industries.

By using these technologies, we support innovation and job creation in the European region, while working towards a vision of European sovereignty.

We will continue to support European technologies to encourage the development of a strong and resilient digital economy.
