Leader Occitanie / Montpellier

Leader Occitanie The first network to be structured into territorial clusters for territorial coverage, representation by employment basin and proximity. The ambition is to federate, accelerate and [...]

Upper Rhine Franco-German Business Club - Oberrhein

Our main objectives ... to put companies from both countries in touch with each other to organize events in France and Germany to provide information on cross-border issues and Franco-German current affairs to [...].

Deutsch-Französische Gesellschaft Augsburg und Schwaben e.V.

Pflege der deutsch-französischen Beziehungen (insbesondere mit unserer Partnerstadt Bourges) Vermittlung und Vertiefung von Kenntnissen der französischen Sprache und Kultur

Deutsch-französische Gesellschaft Pforzheim-Enzkreis e.V.

Our aim is to attract mainly young people from our region, as well as from La Bresse, Cornimont and Ventron (in the Vosges), for encounters supported by the Franco-German citizen fund.

CAFA Finistère

CAFA is a network between Germany and France, offering you a unique opportunity to get in touch with experts and companies from both countries to strengthen [...].


Like all business clubs, RAFAL facilitates business relations between its members. In the Franco-German context, the network plays a representative role in relations with other clubs, [...].