Société OC-DEVCO, a limited liability company with a capital of 10,000 euros, registered with the R.C.S of MONTPELLIER under number 899.848.006, whose registered office is located at 140, rue de la Seranne 34980 Saint-Clément-de-Rivière is concerned about the personal data collected as part of the pre-reservation and purchase of spa treatments. It ensures and undertakes that they are processed in compliance with the RGPD (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data), and the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 as amended.


Who is the Data Controller?

Personal data is collected and processed by OC-DEVCO, a limited liability company with a capital of 10,000 euros, registered with the R.C.S. of MONTPELLIER under number 899.848.006, whose head office is located at 140, rue de la Seranne 34980 Saint-Clément-de-Rivière.


What data is collected and for what purpose?

Personality, Surname, First name, Postal address, Email address, Telephone number, Date of birth, Intracommunity VAT number, Credit card number, IBAN, Credit card expiry date, Visual cryptogram,

Personal data is collected in order to:
- open an account;

- to create a detailed file;
- to proceed with payment for the service; - to carry out evaluations for statistical purposes;
- to send newsletters if you agree;
- to send commercial information if you agree;
- to collect consumer opinions if you agree;

The company undertakes not to use the information provided for purposes other than those mentioned above.


Who receives personal data

The data collected by the company is intended exclusively for the company and its subcontractors and authorized partners:


What is the data retention period?

Data required for order management and invoicing: for the duration of the commercial relationship and ten (10) years for accounting purposes.

Data required for loyalty campaigns and canvassing: for the duration of the commercial relationship and three (3) years from the last purchase.

Payment details: these details are not retained; they are collected during the transaction and immediately deleted once the purchase has been settled.

Data concerning opt-out lists: three (3) years.


How is personal data collected?

Your data may be collected when:
- creating an account;
- creating a detailed file;
- browsing the site;

- at the time of payment;
- contact customer service by phone or e-mail;


What measures have been put in place to ensure the security of personal data?

The company is committed to ensuring that information is secure. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, physical, electronic, digital and management procedures are in place to safeguard and secure information collected online or recorded on paper.


What are your rights regarding your personal data?

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended, you have the right to access, rectify and object to any personal data concerning you. You can access your personal data at any time, rectify your data if your situation has changed, or object to us collecting and processing your data for prospecting purposes. On the other hand, certain data is essential for processing your order. If we do not collect this data, we will not be able to process your order. Finally, you can exercise your right to access, modify, rectify and delete your personal data at any time. Simply send us your request by post to the following address, stating your surname, first name, e-mail and address:

Société OC-DEVCO, Société à responsabilité limitée, whose head office is located at 140, rue de la Seranne 34980 Saint-Clément-de-Rivière
Or write to Margaux Moreno:
In accordance with the regulations in force, your request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing your signature, and specify the address to which the reply should be sent. A reply will be sent to you within 1 month of receipt.

If, after contacting the company, you feel that your rights under the Data Protection Act have not been respected, you can submit a complaint online to the CNIL.